The Ocean Of Nows / looping projection with sound / Kunstverein Wilhelmshöhe / 2018-19
Shape! / looping projection / Kunstverein Wilhelmshöhe / 2018-19 ....................................
Head In The Sky / video for live performances by Ascolta Ensemble / debut Liederhalle Stuttgart 2016
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Boxes / two looped video projections (floor & window) / with VIVANT at Kunstverein Wagenhalle / 2016 / -> more

Big White / looped video projection with sound / 1:36 min / Marktplatz Karlsruhe 2016
-> watch teaser

.......Cycles / looped video projection with sound / Stadtkirche Karlsruhe 2016 /.-> watch teaser

ARCADIA / video & sound loop / 5:15 min / HeK, Basel, CH / 2015
-> watch teaser

Elephant Shell / cargo container, fiberglass, paint / installation for the coast of Pisa, IT / 2015

LANDING / 2015 / looped video and sound
Visitez ma tente, Gallery Neuf, Nancy FR
-> watch excerpt
I’ve made the video work “LANDING” within an exchange program between artists from Nancy and Karlsruhe. After exploring Nancy and the exhibition space I have taken several detail shots of the red and orange gallery floor. These images were reworked, flipped in color, set into motion, and finally projected onto the gallery ceiling. The final work shows a projection overhead with a continuous flight following a rift across a blue surface. The origin and scale of the images are hard to estimate. The video is enhanced by locally recorded, but highly reworked sound.
Gastspiel / 2015 / 6:38 min / Orgelfabrik Durlach
looped video projection with ancient Japanese court music
-> watch video excerpt
            Light 3 / 2015 / Orgelfabrik Durlach / metal, tape, plastic
..............................,& // friction / metal, plastic, tape, nylon / 2015

From The Series ".,&" #11 / Graduierten-Ausstellung / Karlsruhe 2014
FEST (Oleg Kauz + Wenzel Seibert) / Galerie im Artforum, Offenburg 2014 / exhibition views
paintings Wenzel Seibert, videos and mobiles Oleg Kauz

Studio Play / 2014 / video installation with sound (6:37 min)

SPLIT / 2014 / looped video projection and sound (5:20 min)
Looking Back / pigment print on paper / 2014
The video loop Horror Vacui was developed as an in situ work for the exhibition Pretty Vacant at Villa Renata (Basel, CH). It shows a slowly turning vase, which is mirroring the rotating interior of the empty villa. Additionally to this moving scene a static text is being displayed in the lower third of the screen. It deals with the meaning of the title “Horror Vacui” and its origin.
Upon first sight the video looks like it was professionally shot inside the villa, but at a closer look the mirrored space and its rotation reveal subtle logic errors.
Without ever going to the villa the so called “in situ” work was entirely made using 3D animation software. The visual part was constructed from plane images which were sent to all participating artist as a general introduction to the space. Whereas the text was found on Wikipedia and just slightly modified.  -> watch excerpt

Horror Vacui / 2013
THIS / + Lost In Space, KUNO at Konstfack, Stockholm 2013 /
looped video projection and sound (2:15 min)
2nd try / Rundgang, Karlsruhe 2013 / looped video projection and sound (3:00 min)
Abstract Space (blue, used) / Meisterschülerausstellung, Freiburg 2013 / carpet, aluminum, tape